Church Encoding of Booleans 

Church booleans are the simplest typelevel constructs and are mostly used to establish invariants of more complex constructs. Functionally, they are an alias for a single type constructor that chooses from one of two alternatives.

sealed trait Bool {
  type If [T <: Up, F <: Up, Up] <: Up
trait True extends Bool {
  override type If[T <: Up, F <: Up, Up] = T
trait False extends Bool {
  override type If[T <: Up, F <: Up, Up] = F

The usage is pretty straightforward

scala> import typequux._ // package
import typequux._

scala> import Typequux._ // useful imports
import Typequux._

scala> type Rep[B <: Bool] = B#If[Int, String, Any]
defined type alias Rep

scala> implicitly[Rep[True] =:= Int]
res0: =:=[Rep[typequux.typequux.True],Int] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[Rep[False] =:= String]
res1: =:=[Rep[typequux.typequux.False],String] = <function1>

The companion object implements type constructors for common operations. Supported operations are:


scala> import Bool._
import Bool._

scala> implicitly[False && False =:= False]
res2: =:=[typequux.Bool.&&[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[False && True =:= False]
res3: =:=[typequux.Bool.&&[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True && False =:= False]
res4: =:=[typequux.Bool.&&[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True && True =:= True]
res5: =:=[typequux.Bool.&&[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>


scala> implicitly[False || False =:= False]
res6: =:=[typequux.Bool.||[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True || False =:= True]
res7: =:=[typequux.Bool.||[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[False || True =:= True]
res8: =:=[typequux.Bool.||[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True || True =:= True]
res9: =:=[typequux.Bool.||[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>


scala> implicitly[Not[True] =:= False]
res10: =:=[typequux.Bool.Not[typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[Not[False] =:= True]
res11: =:=[typequux.Bool.Not[typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[Not[Not[True]] =:= True]
res12: =:=[typequux.Bool.Not[typequux.Bool.Not[typequux.typequux.True]],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

Exclusive Or 

scala> implicitly[False Xor False =:= False]
res13: =:=[typequux.Bool.Xor[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True Xor False =:= True]
res14: =:=[typequux.Bool.Xor[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[False Xor True =:= True]
res15: =:=[typequux.Bool.Xor[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True Xor True =:= False]
res16: =:=[typequux.Bool.Xor[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

Material Implication 

scala>  implicitly[True ->> True =:= True]
res17: =:=[typequux.Bool.->>[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True ->> False =:= False]
res18: =:=[typequux.Bool.->>[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[False ->> True =:= True]
res19: =:=[typequux.Bool.->>[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[False ->> False =:= True]
res20: =:=[typequux.Bool.->>[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>


scala> implicitly[False Eqv False =:= True]
res21: =:=[typequux.Bool.Eqv[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[False Eqv True =:= False]
res22: =:=[typequux.Bool.Eqv[typequux.typequux.False,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True Eqv False =:= False]
res23: =:=[typequux.Bool.Eqv[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.False],typequux.typequux.False] = <function1>

scala> implicitly[True Eqv True =:= True]
res24: =:=[typequux.Bool.Eqv[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.typequux.True],typequux.typequux.True] = <function1>

These type constructors can be used to prove properties about other constructs. For example, total order transitivity of dense numbers:

scala> class TotalOrderTransitivity[A, B, C]
defined class TotalOrderTransitivity

scala> import Dense._
import Dense._

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

implicit def toToTr[A <: Dense, B <: Dense, C <: Dense](
      implicit ev: =:=[True, &&[A <= B, B <= C] ->> <=[A, C]]): TotalOrderTransitivity[A, B, C] =
    new TotalOrderTransitivity[A, B, C]

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

toToTr: [A <: typequux.Dense, B <: typequux.Dense, C <: typequux.Dense](implicit ev: =:=[typequux.typequux.True,typequux.Bool.->>[typequux.Bool.&&[typequux.Dense.<=[A,B],typequux.Dense.<=[B,C]],typequux.Dense.<=[A,C]]])TotalOrderTransitivity[A,B,C]

scala> implicitly[TotalOrderTransitivity[_3, _0, _12]]
res25: TotalOrderTransitivity[typequux.Dense._3,typequux.Dense._0,typequux.Dense._12] = TotalOrderTransitivity@386d4a02

scala> implicitly[TotalOrderTransitivity[_3, _0, _2]]
res26: TotalOrderTransitivity[typequux.Dense._3,typequux.Dense._0,typequux.Dense._2] = TotalOrderTransitivity@4bfb88ce

Value Conversion 

scala> Bool.toBoolean[True]
res27: Boolean = true

scala> Bool.toBoolean[False]
res28: Boolean = false

Church booleans can be shown to satisfy the following laws:

  1. Associativity of Or: ||[A, B || C] =:= ||[A || B, C]
  2. Associativity of And: &&[A, B && C] =:= &&[A && B, C]
  3. Commutativity of Or: ||[A, B] =:= ||[B, A]
  4. Commutativity of And: &&[A, B] =:= &&[B, A]
  5. Distributivity of Or over And: ||[A, B && C] =:= &&[A || B, A || C]
  6. Distributivity of And over Or: &&[A, B || C] =:= ||[A && B, A && C]
  7. Identity for Or: ||[A, False] =:= A
  8. Identity for And: &&[A, True] =:= A
  9. Annhilator for Or: ||[A, True] =:= True
  10. Annhilator for And: &&[A, False] =:= False
  11. Idempotence of Or: ||[A, A] =:= A
  12. Idempotence of And: &&[A, A] =:= A
  13. Absorption 1: &&[A, A || B] =:= A
  14. Absorbtion 2: ||[A, A && B] =:= A
  15. Complementation 1: &&[A, Not[A]] =:= False
  16. Complementation 2: ||[A, Not[A]] =:= True
  17. Double Negation: Not[Not[A]] =:= A
  18. De Morgan 1: &&[Not[A], Not[B]] =:= Not[A || B]
  19. De Morgan 2: ||[Not[A], Not[B]] =:= Not[A && B]
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